DIY Blood Stain Removal


Blood…It Can Be A Scary Thing. Let’s Not Make It Scary On Your Carpets!

It can all happen in the blink of an eye…you’re on the carpet wrestling around with your little one, having fun, no big deal then BAAMMM, you get head butted in the nose during his epic, match winning, spider man move he pulled last minute – end result is him smiling from ear to ear about winning this match that seemed to be never ending, you left with a bloody nose….and your poor carpet or rug soaking up all the losing, bloody evidence of this match. Now you’re in a frantic hurry to try and figure out how to get this out of your light colored carpet or rug before your wife notices and tells you the “I told you so” speech about rough housing with your kid 🙂

How To Remove Blood From Carpet - Pure Clean Carpet Cleaning Seattle

Here Are The DIY Steps On How To Remove Blood From Your Carpets:

How To Remove Blood From Carpet--Pure Clean Carpet Cleaning Seattle

1.) Blot The Area With A White Terry Cloth

3% HydrogenPeroxide--Pure Clean Carpet Cleaning Seattle

2.) Apply 3% Hydrogen Peroxide To The Blood Spot

How To Remove Blood From Carpet--Pure Clean Carpet Cleaning Seattle

3.) Blot The Area Again

Repeat--Pure Clean Carpet Cleaning Seattle

4.) Repeat The 3% Hydrogen Peroxide & Blot Steps

If Steps 1-4 Do Not Get The Blood Out To Your Liking, Try Following With Steps 5-8 If Necessary.

How To Remove Blood From Carpet-Pure Clean Carpet Cleaning Seattle

5.) Apply A Clean White Terry Cloth Over The Area

How To Remove Blood From Carpet-Pure Clean Carpet Cleaning Seattle

6.) Use A Clothing Iron Over The Towel Allowing The Heat To Build Up. The Heat Will Liquify The Blood If It Is Dry Or Help Bring It To The Surface If Not

How To Remove Blood From Carpet-Pure Clean Carpet Cleaning Seattle

7.) Remove The Iron From The Towel & Allow To Sit For 15-20 Seconds. Lift The Towel & You Should See The Blood Absorbed Into The Towel

Repeat--Pure Clean Carpet Cleaning Seattle

8.) Repeat Steps 1-8 If Necessary Until Stain Is Gone Or Has Lightened Up To Your Liking

These Are Just A Few Things To Do To Help. If You Have ANY Questions Or You Can Not Get All The Blood Out Of Your Carpet, Feel Free To Give Us A Call & We Can Get It All Taken Care Of For You!




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