We have the best cleaning methods for your carpet, tile, hardwood, mattresses, upholstery and more.

Real estate and property managers rely on PureClean for quality results.
Did you know that we spend approximately 1/3 of our lives on our mattresses? Despite this, we’ve found that most families’ mattresses are at the bottom of their cleaning to-do list. This is primarily because most of us are not aware of the enormous amount of allergens and dust mites that inhabit our mattresses.
As we sleep, a large number of dead skin cells falls from our bodies, sift through the sheets, and land on the mattress. Microscopic arachnids called dust mites feed off of these skin cells, pet dander, and body oils. Their feces, carcasses, and presence contributes enormously to the allergens in your mattress.
While not directly harmful, up to 20% of the population is allergic to dust mites. The high number of allergens can also increase respiratory diseases, such as asthma, or contribute to skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema.
To learn more about our professional mattress cleaning services or to get a quote on mattresses cleaned, give us a call.
Our mattress cleaning services are effective, efficient, and will help to improve your home air quality without the use of any harmful chemicals. Instead, we use only the purest mattress cleaning solutions and methods to keep your sleep sweet.
At Pure Clean, the health of your home is our highest priority. This is why we are committed to providing you with cutting edge cleaning technology that works without the use of harmful chemicals and does not leave behind residues.
We service Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond, Snohomish, Everett, and surrounding areas.