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Pet Odor Removal

How To Protect Your Carpets With A New Pet: Keep Your Carpet Clean!

How To Protect Your Carpets With A New Pet: Keep Your Carpet Clean!

You’ll never forget the day you bring your new furry family member home for the first time. The first time you thought to yourself how am I going to protect my carpets with this new family pet.

Maybe you were gifted a cuddly puppy with a neatly tied red bow around her neck or a fluffy kitten who can’t stop pawing at your face. 

Maybe you rescued your pup from a local animal shelter or picked up a cat from a loving home in your community!

Wherever we got our pets, and no matter how long they’ve been in our families, we’ll always love them.

But, pets aren’t always sunshine and roses…

There will be accidents.. and lots of them.

Incessant chewing is to be expected from our new puppers at some point.

Our precious kitties are bound to claw our furniture eventually and countless of our favorite items shall be destroyed.

Pets are the greatest companions, but unfortunately they are also some of the largest perpetrators of messes that are found throughout our homes!

Oh those rascals….

We all want clean carpets and couches but that we also want our darling, cuddly pets to stop making so many messes!

So what do we have to do, to be able to have our cake and eat it too? And by that we mean, we will help on how to protect your carpets with a new family pet.

That’s where PureClean comes in to save the day with some helpful tips to aid you in caring for your carpets while having a new pet who wreaks havoc throughout your home!

Wipe Those Dirty Paws!

We’re sure your adorable little pupper loves playing outside. Boy do they love muddy puddles after the rain, rolling around in dirt, playing in the sprinklers…

Can’t you just see your dog now? Tongue sticking out in excitement as he buries both of his paws in the ground digging up your beloved rose garden! 

Maybe you don’t have a digger. Maybe you have a playful pup who just likes to scamper around in the yard and get dirty in other ways, without causing too much damage. 

Naturally, our pets tend top track in plenty of dirt and filth into our homes, whether they are perpetual diggers or not! 

The best way to combat this issue is by cleaning off those paws before they step into the house.

Being in the Seattle area we have those extremely rainy muddy days, you may need to get a small spray bottle and spray their paws off a bit and pat them dry. 

Trap them in a cuddly bear hug and allow them to smother your face in slobbery kisses, while you do a quick swipe of their paws!

They won’t even know what happened until you’re done hugging them.

Bathe Them Often

Ah, if only their paws were the only thing we had to do to keep our pets and home clean… What a wonderful day that would be.

But alas, the rest of their bodies have just as much dirt and grime on them as well. They roll around in the dirt, in the grass, in leaves, in sprinklers and puddles, and even on those cherished roses (ouch right?). 

All of that freaky stuff that’s supposed to stay strictly outside, attaches to our pets and gets brought right back inside. 

Then, the filth gets tracked through the house and all over our carpets and flooring… 

The best thing to do is to keep our doggos bathed. Have a washing routine and do your best to stick to it! 

A good rule of thumb is to bathe your dog at least once a month. This will help them stay clean and keep your home clean as well! 

If your dog finds himself in a mud puddle, definitely bathe them right then! But a bathing Fido once a month is a fabulous way to keep him, and your home clean otherwise.

Keep Their Nails Trimmed

Often times, people assume that trimming your pet’s nails is mostly for eliminating scratching. But in reality, keeping your pet’s nails trimmed will do wonders for your carpet!

Trust me, I would know.

When pets get excited, they run and slide across your carpet. As they are running, their nails can snag the strands in the carpet.

Animals also tend to dig at the carpet when they are bored or when they become fixated on a smell.  

Not to mention if you have a happy kitty running around, she is bound to knead on your carpet whether you like it or not! 

This will eventually cause your carpet to unravel, frizz up, or even rip out the carpet fibers altogether! 

Keep those nails trimmed for your protection and for the protection of your carpets. If you have a pet with an attitude problem, have someone hole and pet them while you quickly trim their nails- or take them to the professionals!

It’s well worth your carpets life span when all said and done!

Vacuuming Habitually

Vacuuming will prevent a lot of pet damage to our carpets! 

Hair has a great way of pretending like it’s not there- but just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there! I’m sure your allergies will tell you otherwise.

Create a habit of vacuuming your floors regularly. Sucking up all of that hair and dirt habitually, will keep your floors in a much better condition.

And while it goes unsaid, cleaning up accidents immediately when they happen will save you some unspeakable carpet turmoil!

When you see that your pet has had an accident indoors, grab a pile of paper towels and start soaking up the liquid ASAP…

It helps to stand on the paper towels with shoes to be able to soak up more of the liquid. 

Once you have soaked up as much of the liquid that you can, sprinkle some of our magical PUREGUARD! over the soiled spot, scrub it a bit, and then finish it off with a qualified carpet cleaning job by PureClean.

What Else Do Pets Leave Around The Home?

Pet dander is “dead skin” that has flaked off of the body and embeds into carpeting, upholstery, mattresses and clothing. Pet hair and dander is the cause of the majority of allergic reactions.


Pet odors in your home are usually due to the natural oils on your pet’s skin and fur transferring onto your carpeting and upholstery. Pet dander also plays a role in the ‘pet smell.’

Many pet owners do not realize that their home has a ‘dog smell’ or a ‘cat smell’ because the odors build up over time. Unfortunately, guests can almost always detect those tell-tale pet odors.

No matter how often you clean, pet odors will sink into your carpeting.

Pure Clean can help. Our specially designed pet odor and stain removal cleaning program is tailored to remove pet odor sources and keep your home smelling fresh and clean.


Dogs and cats alike love to be outdoors. Whether they are digging in the yard, running in the park, or stalking birds and mice through the bushes, pets get dirty.

Once it is time to come back inside, they bring this dirt right along with them. Traffic lanes in the home become more and more dingy as the dirt and oils from your pet brush off onto your carpeting and upholstery.

You’ll notice pet-sized stains and spots showing up in their favorite areas of your home. At Pure Clean, we know all the tricks to removing pet stains and spots with our 100% safe and effective carpet & rug cleaning techniques.


At Pure Clean, we offer four options for our pet stains and odor removal services. This allows us to tailor our pet urine and odor removal services to suit your needs.

After all, like pets, not every stain is alike. Sometimes, pet urine decontamination may require more than just a top cleaning of the carpet fibers.

There are many layers that can be affected. The following options are based on the severity of the pet urine and odor severity.

Please remember that pet urine stain removal and pet odor removal services are not the same.

Removal of urine spots MAY NOT fully remove the associated odor. At times, the cleaning treatments may temporarily worsen the odor. Not all treatments can be guaranteed to completely remove the odor.

Your 4 Options For Pet Stain and Odor Removal, Depending on Severity

Urine decontamination often requires more than just a top cleaning of the carpet. There are many surfaces and layers that can be affected.

Please note that when cleaning urine spots, there is a difference between cleaning the urine stain and treating for urine odor.

Cleaning existing urine spots may not remove the associated odor. In fact, it could INCREASE the odor in the air space, at least temporarily.

Carpet Cleaning with PureClean

The Pure Clean Carpet Cleaning team has had special training on the best processes for completely eliminating spots and odors.

We don’t cover up the problem with chemical scents or ‘perfumes’. Instead, we remove the stain and odor directly at it’s source with our cutting-edge cleaning methods.

Because we care about the health of both your home and your pets, our professional pet odor removal services offer…

  • 100% All-Natural Products
  • Quick Results
  • Full Elimination Services

You don’t just want to mask the smells and stains, you want them gone for good

By following the tips listed above and by using PureClean regularly, you will be able to spend more time enjoying your pet and less time worrying about the condition of your carpet!
Schedule an appointment today!

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