How Can Having A Professionally Cleaned Mattress Make A Difference?!
Did you know that 1/3 of our lives are spent on our mattress? That can either be a healthy 1/3 or an unhealthy 1/3, but that choice is yours! Most people have NO IDEA how unhealthy your mattress can be for you until they are educated on the matter (including myself!) I had no idea, until Ben filled me in on how “un-dreamy” your mattress can truly be!
I knew that carpets should be cleaned at least once a year, same with upholstery & area rugs, but for some reason (which seems to be very common) I overlooked mattress cleaning seattle! Cleaning your mattress seems to be the one common object that tends to be forgotten about by most people. It can be physically hard to see how dirty your mattress really is, overlooking the stains & discoloration because it is constantly covered with those cozy sheets of yours. Every single night in our sleep we produce about 1/2 liter of sweat (yes, s-w-e-a-t!) Never seems that way does it? Along with the amount of sweat comes thousands upon thousands of dead skin cells, which sift through the sheets & land on your mattress, where they stay for a long time, either until you wash your sheets or get your mattress cleaned. Then this is where microscopic pests such as dust mites come into play….Eeeewwwwww!!
A major factor to allergies, respiratory illnesses, asthma & some skin conditions as well as headaches is a dirty, unhealthy, soiled mattress. Microscopic arachnids called dust mites feed off of these skin cells, pet dander, and body oils. Something else people do not know is that they aren’t allergic to the dust mite themselves, they are actually allergic to the dust mite feces when inhaled (didn’t need to know that did you?) Other allergens can be bacteria & fungal spores. All dust mites do is reproduce due to not having any enemies out in their world of our mattresses. It is gross, but I dare you to Google Image Search “bed bugs in mattress” to see for yourself how severe this can really get if not taken care of or just having the knowledge of it being a possibility.
Getting your mattress put on an annual professional cleaning maintenance program will eradicate these pesky little guys & all the baggage they bring with them! Getting it cleaned once a year will also help deter staining, odors, harmful chemicals, organic soiling or other harmful pathogens. By continually putting your mattress cleaning off (which can happen, life gets busy) Your children or your elderly loved ones are often the ones that are at the most risk because their immune system is not as powerful as ours.
Poor mattress maintenance can seriously affect your health as well as the health of everyone else in the home. PureClean’s professional mattress treatment is able to remove these harmful mattress invaders & puts an end to the unhealthiness of your mattress as well as restoring it to a “like new” condition. Leaving you feeling refreshed, healthy & keeping your sleep dreamy.
PureClean has every single technician trained in this field as well as all other services we provide. We are proud to say we are certified by the primary agency & the most respected industry organization out there, the Institute Of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). The IICRC has certified thousands & thousands of technicians in the same field as PureClean. Before a company can even offer a mattress cleaning service they need to get certified to verify they are a knowledgeable & reputable company. Each technician has to complete a class dedicated to upholstery, fabric & mattress cleaning. They learn how to identify every type of fabric & fiber structure, the knowledge to go behind each type, the cleaning methods that go along with each one & how to protect the material once it is treated. When the course is complete the technician is then a certified professional with the skills & knowledge to treat any bed, no matter what its condition may be.
Be sure to get your mattresses cleaned before the holiday seasons come or any other family gathering event that takes place in your home, to ensure your closest loved ones are taken care of while staying on your mattresses & are not sleeping with your sweat, dead skin cells & those pesky bed bugs! Getting sick during the holidays is never a fun thing, neither is dealing with enhanced allergies due to whats in/on your mattress.
Check out this informative & educational website for some awesome information about mattresses. Click → HERE ←

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