Benefits of Carpet Cleaning for Allergy Sufferers
Carpets are like a dirt-magnet. For those with chronic allergies and asthma, a dirty carpet can cause flare-ups or even worsened symptoms. Not great when you’re simply wanting to relax in your own space.
Understanding how routine, intentional carpet cleaning can protect your body from indoor allergens is important. Continue reading to find out why you should regularly clean your carpets and how PureClean can help you live a sneeze-free life.
The Truth About Carpets and Allergies: Why Regular Cleaning is Key
Research shows that there’s a link between carpets and allergies. Dust, pet dander, and dirt can all be shed onto your carpet and settle there for months, years even. If you’re sneezing more than usual, there’s a chance it’s because of your carpets.
Professional carpet cleaning can effortlessly remove stubborn dirt. In just a few hours, PureClean’s technicians can restore your home’s air quality with one simple carpet service. Whether it’s a single service or routine cleaning, professional care can drastically reduce allergen content from your carpets.
Does Removing Carpet Really Help with Allergies?
In short, yes. It’s been proven that removing carpets can significantly reduce allergies.
Carpets remain the focal point of spaces like living rooms, bedrooms, and offices. A key piece of your aesthetic, it’s hard to imagine a home without them. However, it may be necessary to remove them if you’re dealing with chronic irritation in the form of sneezing, coughing, and occasional headaches.
If you have severe allergies, you might want to consider carpet removal. But if you want to keep your carpets, opt for a professional, residue-resistant carpet cleaning service by PureClean.
Understanding How Carpets Impact Indoor Air Quality
Who knew carpets could cause so much discomfort when they’re supposed to be comfortable?
Carpet fibers can hold onto small substances that can lead to eye, nose, and throat irritations. These allergens can also make their way into your home’s air, impacting the air quality.
Routine cleanings help minimize and remove allergens that may be causing your itchy eyes and coughing spells. Now that you know how carpets can affect your indoor air, let’s take a look at what common allergens live between fibers.
Common Allergens Trapped in Carpet Fibers
Pollen, mold spores, and dust trapped in carpet fibers require professional, heavy-duty cleaning to be removed in full. Untreated carpet fibers will continue to wreak havoc on your air quality if left untreated.
The Role of Dust Mites and Pet Dander
Dust mites thrive in residue-heavy, small areas. Carpet fibers are the ideal living environment for dust mites. Pet dander is a common type of residue that carpets cling onto. An easy target for dust mites, it’s hard to curb pet dander without routine carpet cleaning.
Seasonal Impact on Carpet Allergens
The change in seasons can have a big impact on your carpets. Spring brings more pollen, and more pollen means more chances for it to cling to your carpets.
The best way to stay prepared against seasonal allergens is to schedule a professional carpet cleaning ahead of time. If you’re in the greater Seattle area, look to PureClean for this preventative service.

Common Indoor Allergens and Their Impact on Health
Maintaining healthy indoor air quality can be challenging due to various common allergens, including dust and hair residue.
These small but significant substances can affect your well-being. During your next cleaning, be vigilant for these common indoor allergens:
Dust Mites
Dust mites consume dead skin cells, a common carpet debris. They can cause itchy eyes, coughing, wheezing, and even asthma attacks.
Pet Dander
If you have pets, then you probably have pet dander in your carpets. Pet dander looks like small flakes or specks of dust and can cause allergic reactions such as itchy eyes and sneezing.
Mold Spores
Mold is dangerous and can cause respiratory issues to worsen. Inhaling mold can lead to health complications as well as coughing and itchy eyes.
Removing Allergens through Professional Carpet Cleaning
Allergens brought on by unwanted particles can be easily removed by a professional carpet cleaning service. Like us at PureClean, professional carpet cleaners know where to look. Those tiny, undetectable allergens are no feat for years of our cleaning experience.
A professional carpet cleaning company can lessen allergen content between fibers with these effective methods:
Steam Cleaning
Steam cleaning is a great way to refresh your carpets and rugs. Through steam and heat, dirt and other types of allergens naturally loosen under pressure, making them easy to remove.
A specialized shampoo is lathered onto your carpet to remove allergens. The shampoo will harden, finishing off with a vacuum cleaner for complete removal.
Encapsulation is a centralized cleaning technique that uses a powerful solution to lift dirt. Once the solution has been applied, wait and then vacuum.
Reducing Allergen Build-up between Professional Cleanings
If you’ve had your carpets professionally cleaned, you’re probably wondering how you can minimize the amount of allergens between cleanings. Take a look at a few steps you can take to reduce the amount of allergens in your space.
Vacuum Regularly
With routine vacuuming, it will be hard for dirt to compile between carpet fibers. PureClean recommends vacuuming at least twice a week to stifle any allergens that may be developing under the surface.
Use Carpet Deodorizers
Remove odors from your carpets by using either a store-bought carpet deodorizer or baking soda. Both are effective in lifting deep-set or developing odors from fibers.
Apply Carpet Protectors
A protective carpet barrier between fibers and allergens is an easy way to keep your carpets clean. PureClean offers industry-grade carpet protectors.
Control Humidity
Using either an air conditioner or a dehumidifier, extract excess moisture from your space. You want the moisture level to stay below 50%, as anything above invites allergens to stay.
Regularly Clean Upholstery and Curtains
Although it’s harder for allergens to stick to softer surfaces like chairs and curtains, they find a way.
Regularly clean your chairs, benches, and sofas with a vacuum cleaner to reduce allergen content.
The Long-Term Advantages of Regular Professional Carpet Cleaning
Think about the long haul with your home’s carpets. What can be done now will have a lasting effect on their lifespan, durability, and overall appearance. Regular professional carpet cleaning locks in maintenance efforts, making sure they stick.
Consider the long-term advantages of regular professional carpet cleaning:
Prolonged Carpet Lifespan
A clean carpet has a longer lifespan than a dirty carpet. A regularly cleaned carpet won’t have the chance to internalize dirt, hair, or pet dander. Prolong the lifespan of your home carpets with regular professional cleanings.
Maintained Carpet Appearance
It’s nice to walk on clean, fresh carpets. Routine vacuuming allows them to appear their best: fresh, clean, and contaminant-free.
Prevent Mold and Mildew
Moisture won’t be able to absorb within carpet fibers if they’re regularly treated. A professional carpet cleaning service can spot and remove any signs of moisture absorption.
Improved Odor Control
It’s easier to control odors if they’re regularly cleaned. All odors like urine, mold, or bacteria can be controlled and removed through regular spot cleaning and professional carpet cleaning.
Contact PureClean Carpet Cleaning Today to Breathe Easier
Sometimes professional care is the only way to go. PureClean offers locally available carpet cleaning services to all Greater Seattle residents. Regardless of the damage, our team can help minimize allergen exposure effectively.
If you’re looking for a professional cleaning service that cares about durability, we’re the one for you. Call PureClean to explore your professional cleaning options.

Call Now
If you are looking for a professional, non-toxic, and long-lasting clean, then Pure Clean’s carpet cleaning services are your best option. Give us a call to discuss our options and schedule your appointment.